Monday, April 12, 2010

One Crafty Thing

Remember THIS post, when I challenged you to do ONE CRAFTY THING a week and then post all about it? Then, remember how you didn't hear about it again for over 3 weeks? That is the very reason I need this challenge! It is time to get this crafty ball rollin'!! Several of you showed interest in participating. Others felt it was too big a "craftmittment". ( I love that word!) That's what's so great about this. If you do it one week, link-up. If you don't do it one week don't beat yourself up. Just join us next week. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

now is the time for us to start! Welcome to our very first linky party! Throughout the week as you do your crafty thing, post it on your blog and link-up here. If you don't have a blog to post it to, but would still like to participate, feel free to contact me and we could feature your project on the blog as a post.

The main thing is to HAVE FUN & CREATE!!

And, we have a shiny button you can add to your blog to let the world know why the heck you are posting crafty stuff on your blog. Pick one of these babies up! They're goin' fast! (Okay, not really. I just had to add that in 'cause it sounded like the right thing to say.)


copy and paste:

, it doesn't have to be something super fabulous, we just want to see you flexing your creative muscles! Annnnnd....GO!

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